The Power of Employee Voice

Do you want to improve communication and employee engagement?

The time for change is now, businesses all over the UK, particularly in manufacturing are facing ever growing uncertainty amidst fears of what Brexit will bring combined with the need to operate faster, smarter and slicker.

What we have today are organisations with a blend of ‘old guard’ attitudes to “the way we’ve always done things” versus the ‘new blood’ who demand to ‘keep up with the times’.

Today’s employees want opportunities for development, progression and empowerment and they see the benefits to change, if only they were supported!

The frustrating thing is that there is a lot to be learnt from the old guard and there is a lot to be gained by listening to the new blood, but when do you really have the time to engage with employees on that level and find out what the pulse of the business actually is?

The power of employee voice in finding the solutions to your productivity challenges is huge. Finding the time to listen and communicate can be difficult, which is why a short series of workshops or focus groups with the Design Grove, can provide the solution.

From as little as an hour a week, I can facilitate group sessions that are designed to evoke an honest appraisal of your business. It provides opportunity for two-way communication and the output provides the basis of future strategy. The outcome; you will understand your businesses challenges in a way you have never thought possible. Yes, there will be lots of work to do, but there will be plenty of quick wins too. Most importantly, it will go a long way to making your employees feel heard an appreciated.

To set the scene for change, improve employee engagement, staff retention, morale and increase productivity, employees need to be empowered, accountable and enabled to do their jobs well.

Are you ready to make that happen?

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