Scattered throughout my blog you will find lots of useful articles relating to what you need to know about marketing your business. In THIS blog, I have decided to provide easy access and a logical way to read them! Follow the hyperlinks to success!
With a marketing career that spans two decades, I am passionate about marketing, branding and design and I want to share that with you to empower and guide you as you work in your own business.
Hope you enjoy my content.
How to write a marketing plan
Sounds obvious, but the first thing you should aim to do as you start your business is to write a marketing plan. Whether that is down on paper or just in your head, you should think about it. This blog guides you through the steps to creating your own marketing plan.
How to brand your business
This blog is going to help you and your business stand out and be recognisable. We go through the questioning that you should ask yourself to help you build a brand and discuss the benefits of building a strong identity.
Objective setting
Everyone has heard of SMART objectives, but what kind of objectives should you be setting for yourself and your business. In this blog we go through the types of objectives you could set and how to set them.
Vision, Mission & Values
You might have heard these terms before and be wondering why you need them? Well the answer’s simple, they form the basis of your messaging. It helps your customers understand why you are here and what makes you you. Read about how to define your mission, vision and value statements.
Product Portfolio Management
If you have a product based business, this blog is for you. We discuss how web analytics can be used to support your decision making and marketing activities. We discuss how to manage a product portfolio and some tools to help you define them.
P is for product porfolio management
New Product Development
You have a product launch coming up and you need some help with how to promote it? This is the blog for you. We cover a process that you can follow step by step that will help you launch your product in the best possible way.
Search Engine Marketing
Search engine marketing is a vast subject and a lot for new business owners to get their head around. In this blog we hopefully describe each area of search marketing in layman’s terms so that you can understand and employ these tactics in your marketing.
Content Marketing
From search engine marketing to content marketing, effectively these two areas of marketing are intrinsically linked. This blog will help you to develop a content strategy.
User Experience
A huge part of your brand is how people come across you and the experience they have, it leaves them with a taste in their mouth, so lets make it a good one. In this blog we talk about user experience and brand building and user experience relating to your website experience.
RACE Framework
This is a doozy of a blog as it covers lots of theory about digital marketing strategy and messaging. Content marketing strategies implement the RACE framework, so it is good to have a baseline knowledge of this.
Employee Engagement
You might be thinking, what is a blog about employee engagement doing in a marketing website, but the truth is that the employees are a huge part of your marketing mix. They can make or break your business so you would be foolish not to include them. Find out how marketing and employee engagement goes hand in hand.
Do’s and don’ts of website
We explore how to set up a fabulous website, if you even really need one, how to write a website brief and how to set up a decent navigation.
Discover some of the free ways you can advertise your business and get the most bang for buck from paid advertising in on and offline media.
Direct Mail
In this blog we discuss the pros and cons of direct mail and email marketing, how to build a GDPR compliant email list and how to integrate it into your content strategy.
This blog covers how to use Facebook for business and how to set up your page from scratch.
How do you use LinkedIn to build your brand? We explain how to get the best from LinkedIn, what to post, and how to use it for networking.
Should twitter have a place in my marketing? Many people have asked that question and it is difficult to answer it with a resounding yes. The platform has evolved significantly over the years and it can be a useful tool for the right kind of business.
You Tube
What kind of content should you post on You Tube? This blog provides ideas of how to use You Tube for your business and some tips on using video.
How Instagram works
Instagram typically gets a younger following and more readily suited to a B2C audience. In this blog we discuss whether it is right for your business and the basics of how instagram works and what to post.
Killer imagery
Imagery has the power to take your brand to the next level. It’s as simple as that. So what should you be looking for when you collect the imagery for your marketing material and who can you ask to help you? This blog provides a tried and tested method for selecting a photographer to help you with your images.
Jazz up your socials
We can step away from the word art right now, we can put comic sans in the bin where it belongs. Your social media content need not be boring. With tools like Canva, it is easy to make attractive social media content and with this blog we can share the do’s and don’ts of design.
Xtra Tips
For the topics that wouldn’t fit the alphabet, we include Yoast, Customer Service, CRM, networking and CSR strategy.
Z is for Gen Z
In this blog we take a look at the impact of generations on marketing activities.
Articles that are not yet on my blog are available in the E-Book, available to buy for only £10.