
Rugged Data

Brand Package

Rugged Data are software development specialists who needed a complete brand overhaul.



I supported Junair with a total rebrand designing the new company logo and all branded material. I was instrumental in pulling together all content for the new company website and working with a third party to build it. I continue to support the business with marketing promotions.


Marketing Manager

I worked for Ferranti as Marketing Manager for 9 years and during that time saw the reinvention of their brand 3 times. This included massive marketing overhauls, three websites and over 20 brochures. In addition I was responsible for all their internal comms and events and exhibitions calendar.


Content Marketing

I have been supporting Ardmac with the delivery of predominantly written content to be used on web and social. The objective has been to support SEO activities with the creation of blogs and articles and to raise the profile of the business through ‘Day in the Life’ articles about their people, some of which have been on social media.


Total Rebrand

Genus Recycling wanted to completely rebrand their business and launch their brand. I revamped their entire marketing portfolio including logo, website, socials and more.

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