Outsourced Marketing Support for Ardmac

Project Overview

I supported Ardmac with outsourced marketing support, content marketing services, producing newsletter, blog and social media content for their Cleanroom business unit and Interiors business unit. 


Ardmac are a cleanroom specialist in the pharmaceutical engineering sector. 

Not wanting to generalise the engineering sector too much, but in my experience, ‘culture’ is a very ‘fluffy’ word in this area and not often embraced and given the importance it deserves.

Ardmac however, blew me away! Every time I met someone from within the company, they had nothing but positive things to say about the culture, how they are treated and how much they love their job. It is incredible. 

It’s a huge testament to their leadership, but consequently, Ardmac’s success WILL be felt in the industry, of that I have no doubt. 

Outsourced marketing – Writing Support

I helped them create fresh content that was focused on their fabulous people, bringing the businesses personality and character to the fore for all the world to see. 

Read some of their employee stories here; 

Technology & Innovation Manager

Business Development Manager

and some of the technical blogs I wrote here;

What is a cleanroom?

Does the culture of a business define workplace design?

Cleanroom case study


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